- Deakin University [Burwood]
- Departament Llenguatges i Sistemes Informatics,
- Departament de Geodinamica i Geofısica, Facultat de Geologia,
- Departamento de Astrofisica [Madrid]
- Departamento de Zoologia
- Department of Aquatic Resources
- Department of Astrophysics [Nijmegen]
- Department of Biochemical and Chemical Engineering
- Department of Biological Sciences, Tarleton State University, Stephenville, TX, USA
- Department of Biology
- Department of Biology [Oslo]
- Department of Biology, Queens College
- Department of Biology, Reed college, Portland, OR, USA
- Department of Biomedical, Metabolic and Neural Sciences [Modena]
- Department of Computing, Electronics and Mechatronics
- Department of Ecological Science [Amsterdam]
- Department of Ecology
- Department of Ecology [Prague]
- Department of Ecology and Evolution [UNIL, Lausanne] = Département d'écologie et évolution
- Department of Entomology
- Department of Environmental Chemistry, IDAEA-CSIC
- Department of Evolutionary Biology and Environmental Studies
- Department of Forest Resources, Kookmin University, Seoul 02707, Korea
- Department of Human Genetics [Salt Lake City]
- Department of Medicine
- Department of Molecular Biosciences [Oslo]
- Department of Physics [Athens]
- Department of Physics and Astronomy [Leicester]
- Department of Physiology, University of Toronto
- Department of Zoology
- Department of Zoology and Entomology [Rhodes University]
- Dept Biol
- Diagnostic Imaging and Research Institute
- Dipartimento di Fisica
- Direction de Recherche Fondamentale (CEA)
- Direction de l'Environnement, de l'Aménagement et du Logement Martinique
- Direction de l'Evaluation des Risques
- Direction de l'évaluation des produits réglementés
- Direction des alertes et des vigilances sanitaires
- Direction régionale des entreprises, de la concurrence, de la consommation, du travail et de l’emploi en région Normandie
- Diversité, Génomes & Interactions Microorganismes - Insectes [Montpellier]
- Division of Metabolism and Endocrinology
- Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust
- Dynamique et durabilité des écosystèmes : de la source à l’océan
- Département PEGASE [LBBE]
- Département Performances des systèmes de production et de transformation tropicaux
- Département Réseaux, Information, Multimédia
- Département Systèmes Biologiques
- Département d'Astrophysique (ex SAP)
- Département d'Astrophysique, de physique des Particules, de physique Nucléaire et de l'Instrumentation Associée
- Département d'Ecologie et d'Evolution
- Département des sciences humaines et sociales
- Département génétique, interactions et évolution des génomes [LBBE]
- Département écologie évolutive [LBBE]