Welcome to the HAL-OGST collection, Oil & Gas Science and Technology - Revue d'IFP Energies nouvelles


OGST - Revue d'IFP Energies nouvelles is a journal concerning all disciplines and fields relevant to exploration, production, refining, petrochemicals, and the use and economics of petroleum, natural gas, and other sources of energy, in particular alternative energies in view of the energy transition.

The journal publishes in english review articles and thematic dossiers, giving an overview of the contributions of complementary disciplines in tackling contemporary problems.

OGST - Revue d'IFP Energies nouvelles has an Editorial Committee made up of 15 leading European personalities from universities and from industry, and is indexed in the major international bibliographical databases.

OGST is a fully Open Access journal since 1997. Researchers in the above fields are invited to submit an article.

Editor in Chief: B. Noetinger

2020 - Impact Factor : 1,708

2020 - 5-Year Impact Factor : 1,722

e-ISSN : 1953-8189

Editorial Office OGST - Revue d'IFP Energies nouvelles
EDP Sciences
Parc d'Activités de Courtaboeuf, BP 112
17 avenue du Hoggar
91944 Les Ulis Cedex France

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