Fast generation model of high density surface EMG signals in a cylindrical conductor volume
In the course of the last decade, fast and qualitative computing power developments have undoubtedly permitted for a better and more realistic modeling of complex physiological processes. Due to this favorable environment, a fast, generic and reliable model for high density surface electromyographic (HD-sEMG) signal generation with a multilayered cylindrical description of the volume conductor is presented in this study. Its main peculiarity lies in the generation of a high resolution potential map over the skin related to active Motor Units (MUs). Indeed, the analytical calculus is fully performed in the frequency domain. HD-sEMG signals are obtained by surfacic numerical integration of the generated high resolution potential map following a variety of electrode shapes. The suggested model is implemented using parallel computing techniques as well as by using an object-oriented approach which is comprehensive enough to be fairly quickly understood, used and potentially upgraded. To illustrate the model abilities, several simulation analyses are put forward in the results section. These simulations have been performed on the same muscle anatomy while varying the number of processes in order to show significant speed improvement. Accuracy of the numerical integration method, illustrating electrode shape diversity , is also investigated in comparison to analytical transfer functions definition. An additional section provides an insight on the volume detection of a circular electrode according to its radius. Furthermore, a large scale simulation is introduced with 300 MUs in the muscle and a HD-sEMG electrode grid composed of 16 Â 16 electrodes for three constant isometric contractions in 12 s. Finally, advantages and limitations of the proposed model are discussed with a focus on perspective works.